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Tag : blown glass

04 Dec 2016

Art Glass Guild Blog Spot – How Colors affect Our Personalities

HOW COLOR AFFECT OUR PERSONALTIES Look around you as colors abound. HAND BLOWN ART GLASS – Artist Devora Safron Most of us are aware how Colors we choose to live in can definitely affect how we act, think and feel.  We understand that people thrive best when surrounded by their favorite colors and that certain personalities are drawn to certain colors. Which Colors affect your mood? Which Colors make you feel energetic or bring calmness to your surroundings?     […]

13 Sep 2016

ART GLASS GUILD ART SPOT – BRAVEHEART – Our Tribute to Kathleen Mitchell

 BRAVEHEART – Our Tribute to Kathleen Mitchell Carolyn Moore and Kathleen Mitchell         Photo Credit:  Alane Gray   Meet Kathleen Mitchell one of the bravest souls I know surviving one harrowing accident, struggling to recover and who soared back a stronger woman than before. It’s been several years since that day of Kathleen’s catastrophic accident at her studio. It wasn’t the glass that cut her; it was a vintage German-made lathe that she was using in her studio.  Kathleen’s beautiful long brown hair […]

15 Jun 2016

Art Glass Guild ART SPOT ………… The Blue Whale a Mosaic by Gina Meyers

The Blue Whale a Mosaic by Gina Meyers At the Annual Spring Art Glass Guild Show and Patio Sale last month I met up with Mosaic artist Gina Meyers, who has the passion and inspiration in creating one of kind beautiful mosaics for your home décor and garden. The Blue Whale really sets the tone with the clouds reflecting on the ocean and the white waves splashing and hitting the shoreline. Once Gina saw the whale marquee she just had to make a mosaic out […]

29 Mar 2016

The Art Spot!

Welcome to the Art Glass Guild’s Art Spot! At The Art Glass Guild Art Spot we will share our experience working with glass, including techniques, materials and much more. Whether you are a glass art lover, an established glass artist or an aspiring one, we hope you will find something new, valuable, and captivating in the Art Spot pages.   It is also the place to get your hands dirty! The Art Glass Guild offers classes in most of the […]